Rainbow Giraffe

Creating Rainbow Giraffes were a huge challenge. I have a box of trial giraffes to show for it. When I finally figured out how to color and shape the sewing pattern it had been about 3 weeks of trying. Designing manes so that they follow the gradient of spots is my favorite part. Some of the yarn has to be dyed to get the right hue. One of the fun features of my giraffes is that the design of the sewing pattern allows them to look like individuals. Their nose/mouths and ossicones print in such away that it is only through the hand sculpting that the look comes together. This means I can give each their own personality. As you scroll through my giraffes you can see that each looks like a Mainsail Menagerie giraffe yet they also each look like unique individuals. Some giraffes are tiny, others are life-sized babies and juveniles.

Rainbow Giraffe Head Mainsail Studio